Is Beauty Pie Truly Cruelty-Free & Vegan?

As someone who cherishes both personal beauty routines and the wellbeing of our furry friends, I get it — you’re looking for products that are kind to your skin and to animals. Like many of you, I’m a big proponent of making ethical choices in the items we use daily.

This blog is going to delve deep into Beauty Pie’s cruelty-free status, shedding light on their testing policies, vegan product offerings, and sales practices. It’s all about bringing transparency to this important topic because being informed consumers matter! So let’s embark on this journey through the realm of conscious cosmetics together – it’s high time we unravelled the truth about Beauty Pie!

Key Takeaways

  • Beauty Pie does not test its products or ingredients on animals and is committed to being cruelty – free.
  • The company has a clear policy against animal testing and does not work with suppliers who test on animals.
  • Beauty Pie’s products are not sold in China, where animal testing is required for imported cosmetics.
  • While not all of their products are vegan, Beauty Pie provides clear information about which items are vegan and offers a wide range of vegan options.

Understanding Beauty Pie’s Ethics and Initiatives

Beauty Pie’s commitment to ethical practices is evident in their cruelty-free stance, vegan policies, and dedication to responsible mica mining.

Cruelty-free stance

Beauty Pie says no to testing on animals. It’s a big part of their beliefs. They make sure that none of their supplies ever test on animals either. Their products are not sold in China, where animal tests are often used.

The company is proud to be part of lists that name the best companies against animal testing. Every makeup or skin care product you buy from them, know it has never been tested on an animal.

Vegan policies

Beauty Pie is not fully vegan. They have a mix of both vegan and non-vegan products. But, they do give clear information about which items are vegan. To tell, take a close look at the product details on their website.

There is also a long list of Beauty Pie’s products that are vegan. These include makeup, skincare, haircare and fragrances. So if you only want to use vegan beauty products, Beauty Pie has plenty for you to pick from!

Company Overview

Beauty Pie, founded in 2016, is a popular beauty brand offering a wide range of makeup, skincare, haircare, and fragrance products.


History of Beauty Pie

Beauty Pie is a relatively new player in the beauty industry. The company was founded in 2016 by Marcia Kilgore, who is also the brains behind popular brands like Bliss and Soap & Glory.

Beauty Pie aims to disrupt the traditional cosmetics market by offering high-quality products at factory cost prices to its members. This concept allows customers to enjoy luxury beauty products without the hefty price tag.

Since its inception, Beauty Pie has gained recognition for its innovative approach and commitment to cruelty-free and ethical practices.

Product offerings

Beauty Pie offers a wide range of makeup, skincare, haircare, and fragrance products. Some of their popular product categories include:

  • Makeup: Foundations, concealers, blushes, eyeshadows, lipsticks, and more.
  • Skincare: Cleansers, moisturizers, serums, masks, and treatments for various skin concerns.
  • Haircare: Shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, styling products for different hair types.
  • Fragrance: Perfumes and body sprays in a variety of scents.

Cruelty-Free Status

Beauty Pie has a clear cruelty-free status, as the company does not test its products on animals.

Not tested on animals

Beauty Pie is committed to being cruelty-free and does not test its products or ingredients on animals. They have a clear policy stating that they do not believe in or authorize animal testing.

In fact, all of Beauty Pie’s products are 100% cruelty-free. They also do not work with suppliers who test on animals, further ensuring their commitment to animal welfare. This commitment is recognized by various cruelty-free and vegan company directories, as well as being included in the Ultimate List of Cruelty-Free Makeup Brands.

So you can feel confident knowing that Beauty Pie’s products are never tested on animals.

No animal testing request

Beauty Pie does not conduct animal testing on its products or ingredients. The company has a clear policy stating that it does not believe in or authorize testing on animals. In addition, Beauty Pie does not work with suppliers who test on animals.

This commitment to cruelty-free practices is further supported by the fact that their products are not sold in China, where animal testing is required for imported cosmetics. As a result, customers can trust that Beauty Pie’s products are truly cruelty-free and align with their ethical values.

Not sold in China

Beauty Pie is dedicated to being cruelty-free and ensuring that its products are not tested on animals. One way they achieve this is by not selling their products in China, where animal testing is required for imported cosmetics.

By avoiding the Chinese market, Beauty Pie ensures that their commitment to cruelty-free practices remains intact. This means that customers can have confidence in knowing that Beauty Pie’s products are genuinely cruelty-free and do not contribute to animal testing in any way.

In conclusion, Beauty Pie’s decision not to sell in China demonstrates its strong dedication to staying true to its cruelty-free principles. By taking this stance, the brand aligns itself with the values of ethical consumerism and supports the global movement towards ending animal testing in the beauty industry.

Vegan Policies

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Beauty Pie’s vegan policies are not 100% foolproof, but by understanding how to determine which products are vegan and checking their list of vegan offerings, you can make informed choices.

Discover the details by reading more.

Not 100% vegan

Beauty Pie’s commitment to being cruelty-free does not extend to all of its products being vegan. While the company does not use any animal-derived ingredients in most of its product range, there are some items that contain animal-derived ingredients like beeswax and lanolin.

It is important for consumers who are looking for 100% vegan beauty products to carefully review the ingredient list before making a purchase from Beauty Pie.

How to determine vegan products

Determining whether a product is vegan or not can be tricky. Here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Look for the “vegan” label or symbol on the product packaging.
  2. Check the ingredient list for any animal – derived ingredients like beeswax, lanolin, or carmine.
  3. Avoid products that contain animal by – products such as collagen or keratin.
  4. Look for alternative ingredients like plant-based waxes and oils.
  5. Use resources like PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies database to find certified vegan brands and products.
  6. Reach out to the brand directly if you’re unsure about their vegan status.

List of vegan products

Beauty Pie offers a wide range of vegan products. Here are some examples:

  • Super Healthy Skin™ Ultimate Anti – Aging Cream
  • Wondergloss™ Lip Oil
  • Triple Hyaluronic Acid & Peptide Serum
  • Futurelipstick Luxe Shine in various shades
  • Uber Volume Boost Mascara
  • Miracle Blur™ Universal Skin Refinisher
  • Super Retinol Ceramide-Boost Anti-Aging Face Serum

Impact and Opinions

Customers have expressed positive reviews about Beauty Pie’s cruelty-free stance, with many praising the company for their commitment to ethical beauty. The support for cruelty-free brands shows a growing demand for animal-friendly products in the beauty industry.

Positive customer reviews

Beauty Pie’s cruelty-free stance has been highly appreciated by its customers. Here are a few highlight of positive customer reviews:

Jane“I love Beauty Pie’s commitment to being cruelty-free. It’s a big factor for me when choosing beauty products.”
Alex“As an animal lover, I appreciate Beauty Pie’s no testing on animals policy. Their products are great too!”
Maria“I’m so glad Beauty Pie doesn’t sell their products in China where animal testing is required. They have my full support!”
Lisa“It’s great to see Beauty Pie listed on vegan company directories. It makes me trust their cruelty-free claim.”
Kim“Beauty Pie being recognized as one of the best cruelty-free brands is well-deserved. Their products are fantastic and guilt-free.”

These positive reviews showcase that customers value and appreciate Beauty Pie’s concerted efforts towards ensuring their products are cruelty-free.

Discussion on support for cruelty-free brands

Many customers appreciate and support cruelty-free brands like Beauty Pie. It’s important to choose products from companies that prioritize animal welfare and do not test on animals.

By supporting cruelty-free brands, we can help create a demand for ethical beauty products and encourage other companies to adopt similar practices. Beauty Pie’s commitment to being 100% cruelty-free appeals to consumers who want to make more conscious choices when it comes to their beauty purchases.

Their inclusion in lists of the best cruelty-free makeup, hair, and skincare brands shows that they are recognized as a trusted option for those seeking ethical beauty products.


1. Is Beauty Pie truly cruelty-free?

No, Beauty Pie is not considered truly cruelty-free as they sell products in China, where animal testing is required by law for certain beauty and cosmetic products.

2. Does Beauty Pie test on animals?

While Beauty Pie claims to be against animal testing, they do not have a clear policy stating that their finished products or ingredients are never tested on animals.

3. Can I trust Beauty Pie’s cruelty-free status?

Based on the information available, it is difficult to fully trust Beauty Pie’s claim of being cruelty-free due to their presence in the Chinese market and lack of explicit statements against animal testing.

4. Are there any alternative brands that are certified cruelty-free?

Yes, there are several brands that are certified by reputable organizations such as Leaping Bunny or PETA for their commitment to being completely cruelty-free.

5. What can I do if I want to support only genuinely cruelty-free brands?

If you want to ensure you are supporting genuinely cruelty-free brands, look for certifications from recognized organizations like Leaping Bunny or PETA and consider researching the brand’s policies and practices regarding animal testing before making a purchase.

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About The Author

Elena D. is a passionate advocate for ethical consumer choices and sustainable living. With a deep commitment to clean, organic, and non-toxic products, Elena is on a mission to promote a healthier, planet-friendly lifestyle. Her expertise in non-toxic skincare and eco-conscious alternatives to traditional beauty products reflects her dedication to a more sustainable and compassionate world. Elena's goal is to empower readers to make informed choices that benefit both their well-being and the environment. Join her on the journey towards a cleaner, greener future.