People with a blemish or acne-prone skin must have heard at least about witch hazel and its amazing properties for the skin. However, what most people don’t know is that you can enjoy all the benefits of using a natural solution for the skin and hair, in the comfort of your home and without paying too much money for this.
Witch hazel wipes are a safe and efficient method to cleanse your skin, prevent breakouts, and even treat skin irritations and redness.
Let’s have a look together at the wonderful properties of witch hazel and how we can use the plant for DIY witch hazel wipes at home!
Benefits of witch hazel
Hamamelis is the official name of the very popular witch hazel. Hamamelis is a tree that grows in the eastern part of the United States, but now you can also find it in Europe and Asia. Hamamelis leaves contain tannins, which have a strong astringent and antiseptic effect. It also contains flavonoids – anti-inflammatory and capillary tonic effects – and vitamin P – can influence hemorrhagic processes. As you can see, there are multiple properties that can be found in the witch hazel leaves that make the plant suitable for cosmetic use.
Did you know that witch hazel can help treat skin lesions, skin irritation, and rashes and can even nourish dry skin? But the benefits of witch hazel don’t stop here. Hamamelis can also be used to reduce inflammation of swollen eyes and also to calm down acne-prone skin.
Some people use witch hazel to get rid of feet pain and also to treat oral cavity and throat issues.
Hamamelis extract can often be found in skin care and hair care products, usually combined with other natural ingredients such as oils or rose water, for example. To treat oily skin conditions, witch hazel works great together with clay.
If you want to use witch hazel for natural beauty recipes at home, you can get the hamamelis water and combine it with other ingredients.
Witch Hazel Cleansing Cloths for Multi-Use Cleaning

Witch Hazel Daily Refreshingly Clean Cleansing Cloths

What are witch hazel wipes for?
One of the easiest methods to enjoy the benefits of witch hazel for the skin is to make witch hazel wipes. There are multiple uses for the witch hazel wipes:
- You can use the wipes to cleanse the skin if you have oily or combination skin;
- It’s a great solution that can help you get rid of congested skin or clogged pores;
- Can help you prevent breakouts;
- Suitable for the beauty rituals of rosacea skin;
- Can reduce dark circles and under the eye bags;
- Can reduce the heavy feet sensation after a long day standing up;
- Can help you get rid of the unpleasant smell (under the arms, for example).
How do you make witch hazel wipes?
Making witch hazel wipes at home is easier than you thought! And you don’t need a ton of ingredients either. Here is what you need:
Ingredients for witch hazel wipes:
– ½ cup of water;
– ¼ cup of witch hazel water;
– 1 glass jar
– 2 teaspoons Argan or sweet almond oil;
– A clean cotton cloth.
- You need to boil the water to fully enjoy the antibacterial properties of the witch hazel wipes. After you boil it, let it cool down before going to the next steps.
- Meanwhile, you can prepare the cotton cloth and cut them into round or square pieces about the size of the palm of your hand or larger, depending on your preference.
- Fold the small cotton cloths and place them one on top of the other in the glass jar.
- In a bowl, mix the boiled water with the witch hazel extract or water and the oil.
- Pour the mix into the jar, making sure the wipes are dipped in liquid.
- Use the wipes to remove makeup and impurities, then hydrate the skin properly.
Properties of witch hazel water
- Pore minimizing effect
- Astringent effect
- Purifying effect
- Cleanses the skin and eliminates impurities
- Promotes blood circulation at the level of the skin
- Improves skin firmness
- Reduces edema and swelling
Final words
Witch hazel is a real great cosmetic ingredient to have around the house, especially if you like DIY beauty recipes. You can use it to remove impurities, but also to hydrate dry skin and get relief from swollen feet. Witch hazel extract can be used as a stand-alone ingredient or combined with other active ingredients and used as a treatment for different skin conditions.