Is Dry Bar Cruelty-Free & Vegan in 2023?

Navigating the vast landscape of the beauty industry can feel a bit like an exhilarating roller coaster ride, especially when you’re committed to supporting ethically produced products.

If you’ve found yourself in a predicament similar to mine, mulling over whether Dry Bar – that ever-popular hair care brand – still upholds its cruelty-free mantra in 2023, then breathe easy.

You’re not alone on this quest for truth. I’ve plunged headfirst into extensive research and have surfaced with some enlightening insights on their ethical practices. So stick around folks; together we’ll unravel layer by layer the truths about Dry Bar’s stance on animal testing!

Key Takeaways

  • Dry Bar says they don’t test finished products on animals. But, some items might have parts that were tested on animals before.
  • They sell goods in China where animal tests are a must.
  • Dry Bar does not have an official cruelty – free mark from groups like Leaping Bunny.
  • Check out John Masters Organics, Sunday II Sunday, Amika and Lush for more brands that stand against testing on animals.

What is Dry Bar and their Ethical Analysis

Dry Bar, a hair salon franchise owned by Helen of Troy, claims their finished products are not tested on animals. However, they’ve been ambiguous about whether the ingredients used in their products are animal-tested or sourced from suppliers who test on animals.

A significant ethical concern arises as Dry Bar’s products are sold in China – where mandatory animal testing laws apply – raising questions on their cruelty-free status.

Owned by Helen of Troy

Helen of Troy owns Dry Bar. Both are big names in the beauty world. Helen of Troy is known for owning many famous brands. Now, she owns Dry Bar too! This link up makes Dry Bar even stronger in the market.

The same team that made Helen of Troy successful helps keep Dry Bar at the top too. Their work together has helped more people find out about and love the quality products from Dry Bar.

Finished products are not tested on animals, but ingredients may be

Dry Bar makes sure none of their finished hair care items get tested on animals. This is a fact that sets them apart. They want to keep our fluffy friends safe and sound! But, there’s still something we need to think about.

Some of the parts that make up their products might have been tried out on animals in the past.

This does not mean Dry Bar does these tests. It means some other companies may do these before sending stuff to Dry Bar. So yes, your shampoo and conditioner from Dry Bar are free from animal testing when they reach you! But, some ingredients might have faced such trials before getting mixed into your product.

Suppliers do not test on animals

Dry Bar is picky about who they work with. They only partner up with suppliers who also say no to animal testing. This means every item that helps make Dry Bar’s hair care goods, from start to finish, does not harm any animals in the process.

It shows their strong wish to stay away from all forms of animal cruelty in making their hair products.

Third party animal testing is not mentioned

Dry Bar does not talk about third party animal testing. If it happens, they do not tell us. Sometimes other groups test the products on animals, not the company itself. This is called third party testing.

It’s important to know if this takes place so we can make good choices when shopping. Right now, I don’t have any facts that show Dry Bar uses or avoids third party tests with animals.

Sold in China where animal testing is required by law

Dry Bar sells products in China. This is a big deal. Why? In China, they make rules about testing on animals. All beauty and hair care items need to be tested on animals before they go for sale.

That means even Dry Bar’s goods might get tested on animals there. This goes against the idea of being cruelty-free or animal-friendly. It makes people think hard about what it really means when we say a brand is “cruelty-free”.

So, even though Dry bar does not test on animals themselves, their products may still end up being part of animal testing in China.

Is Dry Bar Certified Cruelty-Free?

Unfortunately, Dry Bar is not certified as cruelty-free by any recognized organization. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that some of their products might contain animal-derived ingredients.

Not certified by a recognized organization

Dry Bar does not have a cruelty-free mark from a known group. This means they didn’t pass tests done by groups like Leaping Bunny. These groups make sure there’s no harm to animals in making products.

But, Dry Bar says their items are free from bad stuff and safe for your hair. They are careful not to hurt animals while making the items too. It’s good but without an official mark, we can’t be 100% sure all the time.

Some products may contain animal-derived ingredients

Dry Bar makes many hair care items. They say they do not test their stuff on animals. But, some products might still have parts from animals in them. That does not mean they harm animals to get it.

Yet, it’s important to read labels if you want totally vegan hair care. Some people do not mind this. Others prefer only plant-based items for their hair.

Alternate Cruelty-Free Hair Care Brands

If you’re looking for cruelty-free hair care options, several brands are committed to ethical practices. John Masters Organics provides luxurious, organic hair care products that are never tested on animals.

Sunday II Sunday targets active lifestyles with their clean, plant-based range. Amika offers fun and vibrant cruelty-free hair styling products. Lastly, Lush – a long-standing leader in the ethical beauty industry –offers an array of vegan shampoos and conditioners that have not been tested on animals.

John Masters Organics

If you’re looking for kind hair care, John Masters Organics is a great pick. This brand does not test products on animals. It’s also free from harsh bits, like parabens or sulfates.

You can feel good about what goes on your hair and skin.

Their goods are safe for the earth too. Packaging doesn’t harm nature and all their parts come from plants—never animals! Healthy hair becomes easy with them around.

Sunday II Sunday

Sunday II Sunday is a great brand for you if you want hair care that loves animals. This brand does not test on animals at all. So it’s cruelty-free! It also has many vegan options in its product line.

That means no animal-derived stuff is used in them. The products are good for your hair and make you feel good, too! Using Sunday II Sunday makes sure your self-care time doesn’t harm our furry friends.


Amika is a top pick for animal-friendly hair care. They don’t test on animals at all. That’s not it! Many of their products are also vegan. Free from parabens and sulfates, Amika does a great job in giving your hair the best care without causing harm to animals.

You will find shampoos, conditioners, and styling items that fit any hair needs you have. Any style is possible with Amika but without being harsh on our furry friends!


Lush is another great hair care brand if you love animals. They do not test any of their products on animals. All Lush items are safe and kind to all living things. You can find shampoos, conditioners, and other hair care goods here.

Some of them even have sweet smells like honey, but none of them use real honey! This makes Lush a top choice for vegan friendly hair care. Their ingredients are fresh and handmade too.

So, try giving Lush a go if you’re looking for more cruelty-free options in your life.


1. What does it mean if Dry Bar is cruelty-free?

If Dry Bar is cruelty-free, it means they do not test their products on animals.

2. Is Dry Bar confirmed to be cruelty-free in 2023?

To verify this, you will need to check the most recent public records or contact the company directly.

3. Are all of Dry Bar’s products cruelty-free?

When a company is labeled as “cruelty-free”, all its products should be free from animal testing.

4. Does being cruelty-free mean that Dry Bar’s products are vegan?

No, being cruelty-free doesn’t necessarily mean that the product ingredients are vegan as they may still contain animal-derived substances.

5. Do other countries recognize Dry Bar as a cruelty-free brand?

The recognition of a brand as ‘cruelty-free’ can vary between different regions and organizations due to differing regulations and standards.

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About The Author

Elena D. is a passionate advocate for ethical consumer choices and sustainable living. With a deep commitment to clean, organic, and non-toxic products, Elena is on a mission to promote a healthier, planet-friendly lifestyle. Her expertise in non-toxic skincare and eco-conscious alternatives to traditional beauty products reflects her dedication to a more sustainable and compassionate world. Elena's goal is to empower readers to make informed choices that benefit both their well-being and the environment. Join her on the journey towards a cleaner, greener future.