Have you ever wondered why natural deodorants are much better for your armpits? If that’s the case we’ll lead you step-by-step in making your first homemade deodorant.
In fact, we have tried the very same recipes for a natural deodorant, and have had tremendous results. And the best part of it, it is nothing complex and everyone can do it at home. But first, let us see why we should use a natural deodorant. Let’s dive in!
Is Perspiration a Bad Thing?!
Perspiration is a healthy and natural phenomenon for the human body. It helps regulate body temperature. However, there is a significant number of people that are struggling with the issue of consistent transpiration, whatever the weather conditions might be.
Abundant transpiration can cause discomfort and unpleasantries. Among them, we can mention stains on clothes and a bad smell. But switching to natural or a DIY deodorant can also be tricky.
New aluminum-free natural deodorants are developed and enter the market every day with promises to fix different issues.
One aluminum-free deodorant is best because it will keep you dry for 24 hours. The other will prevent your clothes from getting stains. And another one is perfect because it efficiently neutralizes the smell of transpiration.
Most of us know that the effect of a shop-bought deodorant rarely lasts more than a few hours. We have all been there!
Be Aware of the Aluminium!

The deodorants that you will find at the supermarket contain chemical ingredients that can be more or less harmful for your health. Among the parts to be avoided in deodorant are parabens, formaldehyde, triclosan, and aluminum.
Aluminum in the deodorant is accused of favorizing the occurrence of breast cancer, and while there are several studies performed about this, the results are unconvincing.
To remove this fear from the buyer’s mind, the producers have developed deodorants with no aluminum in them; however, there are plenty of other chemicals that you should be worried about.
The parabens we mentioned before are used as preservatives and have been associated with an increased rate of developing breast cancer.
You might find it overly difficult to read each label of the deodorants in the shop. If you need a more reliable solution, this would be switching to natural or a DIY deodorant. Women and men who are preoccupied with their health often prefer to make their aluminum-free deodorant at home.
This way, they avoid buying one with chemical substances in it. It is often cheaper and also easy to create your deodorant. More than this, you know for sure what materials are in it.
Why Should We Use a Natural or a Homemade Deodorant

Nowadays, people turn more and more to organic products. It is true that mostly it is about their diets, but we should also pay attention to what we use on the skin as this can affect our health and wellbeing just as much as the foods we eat. Here are a few reasons why the homemade deodorant is great:
1. A Healthier Choice
There is no doubt that organic products are safer in terms of health compared to the synthetic ingredients and products. When you are making a natural or organic deodorant, you have control over what you put inside it. Most recipes will include all-natural ingredients, like baking soda, coconut oil, or essential oil, with no chemical preservatives.
As we have mentioned before, one of the ingredients of the commercial deodorants that raises a lot of questions nowadays is the aluminum. Some studies show that it might be related to breast cancer and even Alzheimer’s.
The opinions are shared when it comes to this issue as other specialists consider the metal completely harmless with a risk of 3 out of 10 of a cancer scale. Whatever the reality might be, avoiding aluminum in your deodorant is certainly not a bad thing.
Keeping it as natural and organic as possible is highly beneficial for your health and wellbeing, even when it comes to the homemade deodorant.
2. No Side Effects
It happens from time to time to find a commercial deodorant that causes itchiness, or a rash or excessive dryness, or redness, and the list can go on. It is normal for side effects to occur depending on the aggressiveness of the ingredients used and the reactivity of the skin.
However, it is important to know that organic deodorant usually has a calming and hydrating effect on the skin. More than this, the popular recipes have no ingredients to cause itchiness or rashes.
3. More Affordable in the Long Run
At first, it might look like you have to spend a lot of money to make your own organic ingredient. However, the reality is that it will go a long way. This means that, in the end, you will spend less on your deodorant, compared to commercial ones.
4. No Sign of Sweat on the Clothes
The corn starch creates an alkaline environment, and this makes it great to fight the unpleasant smell of transpiration. At the same time, the starch can easily absorb water, and this is why your axilla will be dry. The other good news is that there will be no signs of sweat on the clothes either, not when using an organic deodorant.

Tip# 1: Test one before you decide to switch to a natural deodorants
Some people can be skeptical about switching to a natural aluminum-free deodorant, no matter how much they want to avoid the shop-bought versions. This is the reason why it’s a good idea to test your new organic deodorant over the weekend first and see how it goes, before going to work wearing it.
Tip#2: Allow your underarms to be completely dry
The most important thing when it comes to switching to an organic deodorant is always to have a shower first and to be patient, notice how things evolve throughout the day. Also, it is essential to allow your underarms to be completely dry before putting on clothes when using a natural aluminum-free deodorant.
Tip#3: Choose your clothes wisely to avoid over sweating
Wearing clothes made out of natural fibers and avoiding synthetic materials and polyester could make a big difference when it comes to the smell and perspiration. Choose your clothes wisely. Also, keep in mind that it is reasonable to feel a little damp at the level of the armpits. The natural aluminum-free deodorant won’t block the perspiration glands. Its role is to neutralize the smell.
Tip#4: Be patient and give it time!
If you are thinking about switching to natural or a DIY deodorant, be patient, and give it time. Your body has to a particular routine. It can take a while to become accustomed to the new, natural product, so if you are not pleased after a first experiment, make sure to try again.
How to Make a Homemade Deodorant
The homemade deodorant is an affordable, environmentally friendly, and natural option. More and more people resort to organic deodorant lately as they are concerned with the chemical ingredients found in shop-bought deodorants.
In other cases, people resort to DIY deodorant as they have sensitive skin or are allergic to one or multiple of the ingredients of the deodorant.
The aluminum and parabens that are used in deodorants have been more or less associated with cancer and are certainly not good for your skin or your health. If you want to eliminate all risks and make a natural choice, the DIY deodorant is the solution. More than this, you’ll see it is actually rather easy to do, it costs less than a commercial deodorant, and it is excellent for your skin!
Some Recipes for Homemade Deodorant
A favorite natural deodorant is the one made with baking soda. Baking soda is probably the simplest natural deodorant that will be ready in minutes. What you can do is:
- Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with a spoon of water or coconut oil.
- Apply it at the level of the axilla, before the baking soda had a chance to dissolve in the water.
For a dry natural deodorant you can use:
- Four teaspoon baking soda with two teaspoons corn starch.
- Keep them together in a recipient.
- Apply the powder at the level of the armpits every morning after a shower.
You can also apply in the evening, if necessary.
Another recipe for homemade deodorant includes coconut oil and essential oils, aside from the baking soda and corn starch. To make this deodorant, you need:
- About two spoons of baking soda and one spoon of corn starch or coconut oil.
- Add also two spoons of coconut oil and a few drops of the essential oil you prefer.
Tea tree essential oil, for example, is excellent for its antibacterial properties and also smells good. If you are happy with the coconutty smell of the coconut oil, there is no need to add the essential oils.
To make this DIY deodorant, all you have to do is mix the powders. Then incorporate them into the coconut oil. Keep the recipient with the natural deodorant in the fridge. This will make the coconut oil have a solid consistency. You can apply it with your fingers on the axilla. Make sure not to use too much of it and only use it after a shower.
One of the most popular ingredients for organic deodorants is alum powder. You can make a deodorant spray or roll-on, depending on your preferences. To get a deodorant spray, all you need to do is mix these ingredients:
- 1 teaspoon alum powder
- 50 ml flower water (you can try lily, rose or others, depending on your preferences)
- 5 drops essential oil (tea tree is very popular, but lemongrass or lavender are also great).
To get a roll-on DIY deodorant, you need:
- Three teaspoons alum powder
- Three teaspoons baking powder
- Four teaspoons organic coconut oil
- Two teaspoons shea oil
- Two teaspoons organic bee wax
- Essential oils (optional).
After you melt the bee wax over a bowl of hot water, add the coconut oil and shea oil. After this, add the powders and mix them again. You will get a good consistency once the mixture cools down. If you prefer to use your DIY deodorant as cream and keep it in a jar, you can use the same ingredients, but eliminate the bee wax.
To get the best results possible when using your homemade deodorant, make sure to buy quality ingredients, and only use it after you have showered. If you are not a big fan of essential oils or you are sensitive to them, you can eliminate them from the DIY deodorant recipe.
Simple and Effective Homemade Deodorant Spray – DIY Natural
How to Make Your Own Homemade Deodorant Spray – WikiHow
What *Really* Happens When You Switch To Natural Deodorant – Kaia Naturals
I Made The Switch to Natural Deodorant… Here’s What Happened – The Every Girl