Is Coppertone Truly Cruelty-Free & Vegan?

Ever find yourself standing in the sunscreen aisle, overwhelmed by options yet committed to finding a solution that’s both kind to your skin and kindness itself to our planet? If so, you’ve probably found yourself questioning Coppertone’s cruelty-free status.

Despite how beloved this sun protection brand might be, it’s surprising to discover it has not been certified as cruelty-free by either PETA or Leaping Bunny. No need for worry though – we’re here together on this journey! Let’s take a closer look at the facts and explore some animal-friendly alternatives so you can enjoy the sun safely and guilt-free.

Key Takeaways

  • Coppertone tests its products on animals sometimes. PETA does not view it as a cruelty-free brand.
  • Bayer owns Coppertone. They test some of their goods on animals too.
  • Some parts of Coppertone sunscreens may come from animals.
  • There are other brands like Alba Botanica and Blue Lizard that do not hurt animals to make sunscreen.

Is Coppertone Cruelty-Free?

Let’s dive straight into the major question: is Coppertone cruelty-free? To answer this, we need to first clarify what ‘cruelty-free’ means. Simply put, it implies that a product and its ingredients have not been tested on animals.

As for Coppertone’s stance on animal testing, they claim to not conduct such tests unless required by law; however, PETA lists them as a brand that does test on animals. So there seems to be some disconnect here which needs further exploration.

Definition of cruelty-free

Cruelty-free means a product was made without testing on animals. Many companies say they are cruelty-free but still test when the law asks for it. Real cruelty-free products are safe for animals all the time.

They don’t harm any animal to make or sell their stuff. It’s not easy to know if a product is truly cruelty-free. Some seals or logos can help us know, like the Leaping Bunny logo or PETA’s bunny logo.

Both show that no animal got hurt making those items.

Coppertone’s animal testing policy

Coppertone does not hold a cruelty-free status. They may test their products on animals. This testing might be done by them, their suppliers, or a third party. PETA states that Coppertone is a brand that tests on animals.

Also, they are not certified cruelty-free by Leaping Bunny or PETA. So yes, sad to say but true – Coppertone is not free from animal testing.

Confirmation from PETA

PETA says Coppertone tests on animals. They do not give them a seal to show they are cruelty-free. This means they might hurt animals when making their sunscreen products. That’s not good news if we want to choose kind brands.

Ownership and Parent Company

Bayer, a company known for conducting animal testing, owns Coppertone. This raises valid concerns about indirect animal testing despite Coppertone’s proclaimed cruelty-free policy.

Bayer’s involvement with animal testing

Bayer, the parent company of Coppertone, has a past with animal testing. They test some of their products on animals. This means that while you buy Coppertone sunscreens, you give money to Bayer.

In effect, you’re supporting a company that uses animal testing for some items. Even though Coppertone itself may not test its sunscreens on animals all the time, its link to Bayer makes it part of this issue.

Money spent on Coppertone can indirectly lead to more tests done on helpless creatures.

Potential for indirect animal testing by Bayer

Bayer, the parent company of Coppertone, plays a role in this topic. They have not stayed clear from animal testing. In fact, they might do tests on animals for some products or ingredients.

This means even if Coppertone doesn’t test directly on animals, their link with Bayer can lead to indirect animal testing. It’s like having a back door for cruelty to slip through.

So bear in mind that buying Coppertone could support this kind of testing too.

Vegan Status of Coppertone Products

While Coppertone has not announced any official vegan status, it’s essential to note that many of their products may contain ingredients derived from animals. They also lack a certified vegan seal, causing skepticism among conscious consumers.

Possible animal-derived ingredients in Coppertone products

Coppertone products are not vegan. They may have ingredients that come from animals. Here are some of the things to watch for:

  1. Beeswax: This comes from bees and is often used in sunscreen.
  2. Lanolin: It’s a kind of oil made by sheep.
  3. Glycerin: This can be plant-based but sometimes it comes from animals.
  4. Collagen: Most times, this protein is from fish or cows.
  5. Keratin: This is a protein often found in hair, nails, and skin of animals.

Lack of vegan certification

Coppertone sun care goods don’t have a vegan stamp. This means they may use stuff from animals in their products. Some brands say they are vegan but without the seal, you can’t be sure.

Coppertone is one of them. They should try to get this label so people know what’s really in their sunscreen.


1. What does it mean for a brand to be cruelty-free?

Being cruelty-free means the brand does not test its products on animals at any stage of product development.

2. Is Coppertone a cruelty-free brand?

As of now, Coppertone is not recognized as a cruelty-free brand by most standard certifications.

3. Why isn’t Coppertone considered as being cruelty-free?

Coppertone is not considered cruelty-free because they test their products or ingredients on animals where required by law.

4. Are there alternatives to Coppertone that are cruelty-free?

Yes, there are many sunscreen brands like Sun Bum and Coola that do not conduct animal testing and are certified as cruelty-free.

5. Can I trust any product that labels itself as “cruelty-free”?

Not all brands that label themselves as “cruelty-Free” meet the standards set by animal rights organizations so it’s best to check with trusted resources before buying.

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About The Author

Elena D. is a passionate advocate for ethical consumer choices and sustainable living. With a deep commitment to clean, organic, and non-toxic products, Elena is on a mission to promote a healthier, planet-friendly lifestyle. Her expertise in non-toxic skincare and eco-conscious alternatives to traditional beauty products reflects her dedication to a more sustainable and compassionate world. Elena's goal is to empower readers to make informed choices that benefit both their well-being and the environment. Join her on the journey towards a cleaner, greener future.